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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

5x5 High 5!

OK, so I really wanted to do legs today, but kinda figured that if I did, there would be no way that I could wake up tomorrow morning and go for a run. So, since I really want to run tomorrow, today will become Chest and Shoulders. Plus, this is a good thing as both have been neglected since I did 600 push-ups in 36 minutes on Friday. This will be the first time I introduce 5x5 to you. Get used to it, it rules... a lot!

Workout: Chest, Shoulders, Strength
Challenge: Push-up challenge, Target Weight

1. 50 push-ups - take as long as you need

2. Bench Press: 5 sets (5 reps each)

3. Military Shoulder Press: 5 sets (5 reps each)

4. Incline Bench Press: 5 sets (5 reps each)

5. Lateral Raises: 5 sets (5 reps each)

6A. Cable Fly: 3 sets (12, 12, 12)
6B. Deltoid Side Raises: 3 sets (10, 10, 10)

7A. Decline Push-ups: 3 sets (20 reps each)
7B. Shoulder Shrugs: 3 sets (8 reps each)

8A. SpiderMan Push-ups: 3 sets (10 reps each)
8B. Dumbbell Hammer Press: 3 sets (10 reps each)

9. 100 Push-ups

Have Fun!

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