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Monday, February 25, 2013

Meet the Erg

Hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. Good little break to allow the muscles to heal and get all energized for this week. I'd like to start this week off with a focus on High Intensity cardio. While we were doing this last week, I still want to continue until we move to strength training later on this week.

Workout: Erg, Cardio, Full Body
Challenge: Rowing, Triathlon, Cross Fit

**Repeat steps 2 and 3 for 6 times each

1. Jog .5 miles

2A. Erg for 500 Meters (should take you 2 minutes)
2B. Walk uphill on treadmill (20 incline, 4.0 speed, 3 minutes)

3A. Burpees (10 each set)
3B. Olyptical Machine (3 minutes, keep speed over 7.0)

4. Jog .5 miles

Hydrate like a machine before, during and after.

Have Fun!

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