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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Volume for my Valentine

Let's keep up with the cardio stuff, but also add to it some butt kicking, volume packing, muscle tourching, size enducing lifts! I mean, getting jacked and cut! Woah, what can be better on valentines day. Since my valentine is away from me tonight, I will be spending 2 hours in the gym.

Workout: Endurance, Size, Power
Challenge: Backpacking, Strength

Everytime you see a "*MP" You will perform a set of 10 reps of the military shoulder press. You will use the weight that makes you struggle to hit that 10th rep, adjust accordingly.

1. Jog .5 miles

2. Swim 1/2 mile

3B. 10 hanging crunches
3B. 10 hanging crunches
3B. 10 hanging crunches

4B. 12 Leg lift to thrust
4B. 12 Leg lift to thrust
4B. 12 Leg lift to thrust

5B. 14 decline onlique crunches
5B. 14 decline onlique crunches
5B. 14 decline onlique crunches

6B. Plank for 5 minutes. - rest when you need to.

Have an absolute blast with this one.

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