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Monday, February 11, 2013

Ripped Up Cut Up and Pumped Up

Uh, I hope you are in a crazy mood. And have over an hour on your hands. This workout I pulled from my archives and completed today. In a word, torture. It was crushing. At the end of each circuit I was really struggling just to survive. But, the feeling I have now is insane. I feel huge, and cut, and ripped! I have been singing a nonsense song to myself for the past 15 minutes to celebrate. Good luck everyone. Dig deep and bang it out. You had all weekend to rest so no excuses!

Workout: Strength and Endurance
Possible Challenge: Climbing a mountain, Surviving a zombie apocalypse

** Preform the following groups in circuits, keep preforming each exercise for the amount of reps listed for 10 minutes. Do as many as you can. **

1A. Barbell Bench Press: 80% max (5 reps)
1B. Wide Stance Pushup: 10 reps
1C. Wide Grip Rows: 80% max (5 reps)
1D. Inverted Pushups: 5 reps

Rest for 3 minutes

2A. Incline Barbell Press: 80% max (5 reps)
2B. Incline Pushups: 10 reps
2C. Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs: 80% max (5 reps)
2D. Close Grip Lat Pull Downs: 50% max (10 reps)

Rest for 3 minutes

3A. Decline Bench Press: 80% max (5 reps)
3B. Wall Pushups: 10 reps
3C. Close Grip Rows: 80% max (5 reps)
3D. Inverted Underhand Pushups: 5 reps

Rest for 3 minutes

4A. Close Grip Bench Press: 80% max (5 reps)
4B. Body Weight Dips: 10 reps
4C. Chin Ups: 80% max (5 reps)
4D. Pushup Position Row: 5 each hand

Rest for 3 minutes

5A. Chest Cable Fly: 80% max (5 reps)
5B. Chest Dumbbell Fly: 50% max (10 reps)
5C. Back Dumbbell Fly: 80% max (5 reps)
5D. Machine Back Fly: 50% max (5 reps)

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