Balance and stability through a strong core and muscle corelation. That sounds awesome! Having balance and stability is the key to reaching new gains in power lifts and also the key to avoiding injury. Balance is also something that goes often neglected. This is mostly becuase people generally do not know how to work on it. Well today, we are going to be focusing on balancing through severl key lifts that will not only help build your balance, but will give you a serious workout while you are doing it.
Workout: Balance, Core, Injury Avoidance
Possible Challenge: Areial trick, Mountain Biking, Hiking
For each exercise, perform the reps listed on each side one at a time. So do the reps listed for left, then the reps listed for right. If you are obsessive like me, you will want to start each exercise on a different side to be even.
1. One Armed Squat: 3 sets (10 reps each) - hold a dumbbell on your right/left shoulder
2. Kettle Bell Shoulder Swing: 3 sets (8 reps each)
3. One Legged Squat: 3 sets (8 reps each) - rest your other leg on a bench
4. Balance Toe Toeches: 3 sets (12 reps each) - Touch on ehand to foot while lifting up the opposite leg to for a T
5. Push-ups on Half Ball: 3 sets (15 reps each) - use the half workout ball. Flip it over so you are holding on to the plastic underpiece
6. Squats Half all: 3 sets (10 reps each) - same thing with squats
7. Curl to Press: 3 sets (10 reps each) - stand on one leg, opposite of the arm curling and pressing
8. One Arm Plank: 2 sets (hold for 30 seconds each) - while planking, lift your left arm and left leg, then switch
9. Dips: 3 sets (12 reps each) - both hands on a bench, lift one leg in the air, then switch legs
10. Medicine Ball Push-ups: 3 sets (each till failure) - roll the medicing ball back and forth to each hand after every push-up
Your core will thank you later.
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