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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Full-Body Fun

OK, yesterday was maybe a bit to brutal. I was pouring sweat and gasping for air within 7 minutes. So yea, maybe a little over the top. Today, I'd like to take it back a little bit. Perhaps focus on heavy lifting followed by cardio. This is in effort to build up the muscle, then cut down the fat by keeping the heart rate up. This is another full body workout to follow yesterday. Dont't worry, tomorrow we will take a much deserved rest day.

Workout: Strength / Endurance
Challenge: Weight Goal

You will be going throught the spectrum. Legs, Chest, Back, Shoulders, Abs. Perform the heavy set immediatley followed by the light set. Rest only when you need to. Go through this spectrum 4 times.... 5 if you want to be the best.
Heavy set gets 5 reps, Ligth set gets 12 reps. Choose the weight that makes you struggle for that last rep.
H: Barbell Squats
L: Goblet Squats
H: Incline Bench Press
L: Push-ups
H: Cable Row
L: Bent Over Rows
H: Seated Military Press
L: Side Lateral Raises
H: Weighted Decline Sit-ups
L: Captain Chari Leg Lifts

Have Fun!

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