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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sea Saw

Full disclosure, we did this one before. And semi recently I think. Today may be familiar but the exercises are a little different and the workout will still be awesome, trust me. No senseless banter today, if you crave it, just reread the similar workout! And, yes, below is all you need.

** For each set you will be switching back and forth from A to B in a super-set style. Perform exercise "A" starting at 1 and going up to 20, perform the "B" exercise starting at 20 and going down to 1. Rest only when you need to. **

1A. Body Squats
1B. Pike

2A. Star Jump
2B. Push-Up (switch up your grips for fun)

3A. Leg Lifts
3B. Clean and Press (use 10lb dumbbell.... 15 if you want to really feel it)

Have Fun!

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