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Friday, May 2, 2014

.... Almost as Much as Jump Rope

The goal for today is simple - Sweat. In order to achieve that, we are going to mix high intensity cardio with a full body worth of compound exercises. The high intensity part will be handled by my new favorite exercise, jump rope! Get ready to turn the intensity up!

** There are 5 sets to this workout. Each set will be repeated 2 times. Rest when you need to during a set and rest 3 minutes in between sets. **

1A. Body Weight Squats - 25 reps
1B. Jump Rope - 2 minutes
1C. Lunges - 25 reps (each leg)

1A. Low Plank to High Plank - 25 reps
1B. Jump Rope - 2 minutes
1C. Mountain Climbers - 25 reps

1A. Inverse Push-Ups - 25 reps (Alternate with Wide Grip Bent Over Dumbbell Rows)
1B. Jump Rope - 2 minutes
1C. Hammer Grip Dumbbell Rows - 25 reps

1A. Lateral Plane Shoulder Raises - 20 reps (side)
1B. Jump Rope - 2 minutes
1C. Sagital Plane Shoulder Raises- 20 reps (front)

1A. T-Twist with optional Push-Up - 15 reps (each side)
1B. Jump Rope - 2 minutes
1C. Front Kick to Back Kick - 20 reps (each leg)

6. Jump Rope - Till Failure (see how long you can go!)

Have Fun!

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