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Thursday, May 1, 2014

I Love You Push-Up

Today will be about one thing and one thing only - the all mighty push-up. The push-up is one of the greatest exercises you can do. It engages your core, arms, chest, and back. A compound movement that targets multiple muscles that can be done by anyone at any location! What an exercise!

** Perform each push-up exercise as stated **

1. 25 regular Push-Ups: rest when you need to

2. Diamond Push-Ups: 3 Sets (12, 12, 12)

3. Wide Grip Push-Ups: 3 Sets (12, 12, 12)

4. 25 regular Push-Ups: rest when you need to

5. Side to Side walking Push-Ups: 3 Sets (12, 12, 12)

6. Front To Back walking Push-Ups: 3 Sets (12, 12, 12)

7. 25 regular Push-Ups: rest when you need to

8. Spider Man Push-Ups: 3 Sets (10, 10, 10)

9. Clapping Push-Ups: 3 Sets (8, 8, 8)

10. Regular Push-Ups: 3 sets (each till failure)

Have Fun!

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