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Monday, May 5, 2014

May flowers

I hope everyone had a good weekend. Welcome to the first full week of May! May it be an awesome month for you! May you engage in awesome workouts. May you challenge you yourself. May you grow. May you reach new limits. May you have plentiful workouts. May you start with an awesome challenge to get you fired up! May I stop? No.

** Ladder Challenge: Perform each exercise in order starting with one rep. Go all the way up to 20 reps. Rest whenever you need to. Time yourself to see how much you improve **

1. Body Squat
2. Regular Push-up
3. Full Sit-up
4. Clean and Press (use dumbbells)

Example: start with 1 squat, then do 1 push-up, then one sit-up, then one clean and press. Then, start back at squats this time doing 2, then 2 push-ups, then 2 sit-up, and so on. Go until you do 20 of each.

Have Fun!

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