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Friday, May 16, 2014

Mind Your Time

Hello everyone! What a sad week without any workouts. Hopefully you all still kept yourselves pretty busy! We are going to go about the circuits today form a new take. Instead of working on one exercise within the circuit for a set period of time, we are going to attack it from a whole! Today is a good one to challenge yourselves, lots of cardio, muscle work and of course, sweat.

**Perform the following group of exercises as a circuit for 5 minutes straight – each exercise gets 10 reps and then you move onto the next exercise in the group. Keep repeating the circuit until 5 minutes are up. Once they are, move on. **

1A. Body Squats
1B. Hold Plank – 20 seconds
1C. Front Kicks (alternate legs)

* Fast Bike / Run for 5 minutes

2A. Push-ups (do wall push-ups as an alternative)
2B. Ground Dips
2C. High knee run in place – do 10 reps each leg

* Fast Bike / Run for 5 minutes

3A. Jumping Jacks
3B. Leg Lifts
3C. Side Lunges

* Fast Bike / Run for 5 minutes

4A. High Knee Run in place (5 raises each leg)
4B. Full Sit Ups
4C. Walking Lunges

* Bike ride or Jog for 5 minutes

Have Fun!

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