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Monday, January 27, 2014

3 for 3 for you and me

Welcome back everyone from the long weekend. Hopefully it was a good one! As always, I like to hit Monday hard with a wide variety of exercises to kick the week off right. Today will be a little different though since I will not be working out tomorrow. So, today we are going to do a full body workout with 3 exercises. How exciting!!!

** Perform each exercise as listed for reps or time. Be careful, they switch! Perform each circuit 4 times and then move on to the next. Choose your weight wisely. **

1A. Push-ups: 3 sets (12 each)
1B. Pull-ups: 3 sets (8 each)
1C. Clean and Press - As many as you can for 1 minute

2A. Push-ups: 3 sets (12 each)
2B. Pull-ups (Lat-pull-downs) - As many as you can for 1 minute
2C. Clean and Press - 3 sets (10 each)

3A. Push-ups - As many as you can for 1 minute
3B. Pull-ups: 3 sets (8 each)
3C. Clean and Press - 3 sets (10 each)

Have Fun!

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