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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Opposite 3 for 3!

Totally shifting focus today team. Yesterday we crushed the upper body. Not sure about you guys but my shoulders were screaming after the first 10 minutes! Since we worked so hard yesterday on the upper body, let's concentrate on the legs today. This will be the same exact workout we had yesterday but with different movements of course. We do not want one half being left out!

** Perform each exercise as listed for reps or time. Be careful, they switch! Perform each circuit 4 times and then move on to the next. Choose your weight wisely. Rest 3 minutes in between each circuit. **

1A. Body Squats - 3 sets (12 each)
1B. Front Lunge - 3 sets (8 each)
1C. Side Squats - As many as you can for 1 minute

2A. Body Squats - 3 sets (12 each)
2B. Front Lunges - As many as you can for 1 minute
2C. Side Squats - 3 sets (10 each)

3A. Body Squats - As many as you can for 1 minute
3B. Front Lunges - 3 sets (8 each)
3C. Side Squats - 3 sets (10 each)

Have Fun!

Monday, January 27, 2014

3 for 3 for you and me

Welcome back everyone from the long weekend. Hopefully it was a good one! As always, I like to hit Monday hard with a wide variety of exercises to kick the week off right. Today will be a little different though since I will not be working out tomorrow. So, today we are going to do a full body workout with 3 exercises. How exciting!!!

** Perform each exercise as listed for reps or time. Be careful, they switch! Perform each circuit 4 times and then move on to the next. Choose your weight wisely. **

1A. Push-ups: 3 sets (12 each)
1B. Pull-ups: 3 sets (8 each)
1C. Clean and Press - As many as you can for 1 minute

2A. Push-ups: 3 sets (12 each)
2B. Pull-ups (Lat-pull-downs) - As many as you can for 1 minute
2C. Clean and Press - 3 sets (10 each)

3A. Push-ups - As many as you can for 1 minute
3B. Pull-ups: 3 sets (8 each)
3C. Clean and Press - 3 sets (10 each)

Have Fun!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Feeling Friday

I think it has been a while since we have done a Friday workout here at GoLife. Friday shares 2 sides of an argument to working out. On the one hand you want to get ready for the weekend by looking and feeling your best. But, on the other hand, there is nothing you probably want to do more after a long day at work then skip the gym and relax. Well, in comes this total full body crusher! This is a great Friday workout because it is relaxing, fun, and gets you looking pumped!

** Perform each exercise as stated **

1. Dumbbell Clean and Press – 4 sets (12, 10, 10, 8) – increase/decrease weight as needed

2. Bent Over Row to Back Fly – 4 sets (12, 10, 10, 8) – increase/decrease weight as needed

3. Hammer Curl to Hammer Press – 4 sets (12, 10, 10, 8) – increase/decrease weight as needed

4. T-Push-ups – 4 sets (12, 10, 10, 8) –increase/decrease weight as needed

5. Lateral Fly to Shoulder Shrug – 4 sets (12, 10, 10, 8) – increase/decrease weight as needed

6. Curls – 4 sets (12, 10, 10, 8) – increase/decrease weight as needed

7. Overhead Extensions – 4 sets (12, 10, 10, 8) – increase/decrease weight as needed

8. 100 push-ups – rest when you need to

Have Fun!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Snow Day Shenanigans

Hello everyone! If anyone has seen the news lately, they may notice that the east coast is getting slammed with snow and cold weather. This workout goes out to those brave men and women toughing out the storm over the next few days. And what better way to honor a snow storm than by jumping around! I know, it doesn't make sense, but it is still a good workout. Put your head down and get to work, this one will challenge you.

** Perform each jumping activity as listed. Rest during each set and when you need to **

1. Jump Rope: 5 sets (one minute each) - rest 20 seconds in between sets

2. Ski Jumps (hands on the hip - jump side to side): 5 sets (one minute each) - rest 20 seconds in between sets

3. Jump Squats: 5 sets (one minute each) - rest 20 seconds in between sets

4. Jumping Jacks: 5 sets (one minute each) - rest 20 seconds in between sets

5. Split Jacks (feet and arms go front to back - opposite of jumping jack: 5 sets (one minute each) - rest 20 seconds in between sets

6. Jump Rope: 5 sets (one minute each) - rest 20 seconds in between sets

Have Fun!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Great .....

Pyramids! I am so excited for today's workout I can hardly hold it in. This workout is a true test of mental toughness, physical strength and endurance. All you need to to do is perform 4 compound exercises. Woah, that sounds pretty easy, right? Yea, unless they are pyramids! Behold the great power of the pyramid!

** Perform each exercise in this sequence:

10 sec exercise, 50 second rest
20 sec exercise, 40 second rest
30 sec exercise, 30 second rest
40 sec exercise, 20 second rest
50 sec exercise, 10 second rest
40 sec exercise, 20 second rest
50 sec exercise, 30 second rest
20 sec exercise, 40 second rest
10 sec exercise, 50 second rest

Then rest for 3 minutes before moving to the next **

1. Mountain Climbers
2. Body Squats
3. Push-ups
4. Jump Rope

If you are a complete animal, feel free to sub out jump rope for star jumps!

Have Fun!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Diggin Those Dumbbells

Well, as promised, time to use those dumbbells!!! Wooo!!! In honor of this dumbbell session here, we are going to focus on muscle building. We have had a lot of cardio options over the past few days so this will be a nice change of pace for everyone. You will notice tstly based on time, this one will be based on reps and resting. For this workout I would use the heavier of your two dumbbells. But, unless you are Mr. Universe, or Hercules, I would recommend not going over 15lbs.

** Perform each exercise for the sets and reps listed. For those exercises below that make you do one side at a time, you will be performing the sets listed for each of them. So if 3 sets is listed, that really means 6 total (3 each arm) **

1. Single Arm Clean and Press: 3 sets (12 each)

2. Hammer Curl to Hammer Press: 3 sets (12 each)

3. T-Push-ups: 3 sets (8 reps each) - must lift the dumbbell

4. Bent Over Row to Triceps Extension: 3 sets (10 each) - Make sure your back is flat - if you feel pain than stop!

5. Lung to Curl: 3 sets (12 each) - 6 reps each leg

6. Squat to Front Raise: 3 sets (10 each)

7. Single Arm Dumbbell Swing: 3 sets (12 each) - extend all the way through your legs and up to shoulder

8. Jog for 5 - 10 minutes - could not completley ignore cardio, right!?

Have Fun!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Yes Sir... Another Circuit

Now, I know you all just went out to the store to purchase new dumbbells since I said we are going to start using them. The last thing I would like to do is disappoint…. But, we are going to have one more circuit day before diving into the full use of these dumbbells. This workout will challenge your ability to keep your body moving while engaging different muscles. Let the muscles rest but not the heart!

** Perform lift in the circuit for 45 seconds, take 10 seconds to switch to the next exercise. Perform each circuit 2 times and then move on (each circuit lasts 4 minutes). Rest for 1 minute in between circuits. After the circuits enjoy some abs! **

1A. Jumping Jacks

1B. Push-ups

2A. T push-ups

2B. Side Hops

3A. Jump Lunges

3B. Shoulder Circles

4A. Pikes

4B. Hip Thrusts

5A. Burpees

5B. Dips

6. V Sit-ups: 3 sets – (12, 12, 12)

7. Leg Lifts to Thrusts: 3 sets – (12, 12, 12) –a lift and a thrust up count as 1

8. Side Plank: 2 sets – (30 seconds each) –each side gets 2

9. Crunches: 3 sets – (20, 20, 20)

10: Hold plan till failure….. twice

Have Fun!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday Marching Orders

Welcome to a wonderful Monday everyone! I know we all have those weekend blues and are recovering from soft body Sunday. Today we are going to shake those cob webs out with some fun running activities. It is no longer a polar vortex in the US so this is a great opportunity to get outside a bit before the weather gets nasty again. And remember, as an added bonus - your body will burn more calories keeping you warm!

** Perform the following drills for 30 yards up and back. preform each drill twice. Rest 20 seconds in between the same drill and 2 minutes in between drills. Do not rest when returning. **

1. Jog
2. Sprints
3. High Knee Marches - quick pace
4. Sprints
5. Butt Kickers - for hamstrings
6. Sprints
7. Power Skips - raise right arm to left leg and left arm to right leg
8. Sprints
9. Leg Kick to Touch
10. 100 push-ups - rest as needed

Have Fun!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Dumbbell Time

Alright everyone. I hope you have had the chance to pick up your dumbbells. Things are about to get very challenging over here at GoLife Training. With these dumbbell workouts that we are about to engage in you may notice a slight increase in muscle atrophy. I will be sure not to neglect cardio though as that is just as important! But, I am excited to see how this changes the game a bit. So without delaying any more, it is time for your workout!

** Perform each exercise for 1 minutes. Rest 30 seconds in between each. After each exercise is finished, repeat the entire circuit. The second time you do the circuit perform each exercise for 30 seconds and rest 10 seconds between each. Rest for 3 minutes before you start the second time **

1. Jumping Jacks
2. Body Squats
3. Curl to Shoulder Press
4. Deadlift to Bent Over Row
5. Squat Jumps
6. Front Kicks - alternate legs
7. Shoulder raises - alternate side and front
8. Tricep Kick Backs
9. Mountain Climbers
10. Bent Over Reverse Fly
11. Plan to Push-up
12. Shoulder Swings - like you would with a kettle bell
13. Star Jumps
14. Push-ups - hammer grip on the dumbbells

Have Fun!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Continued Cario!

Good work with that routine on Monday; it was a total cardio killer! I first have a public announcement before we get into the workout. Now, I know that we have been doing all body weight workouts for the past 2 months but I am going to switch gears a bit. You know, being that it is a new year and all. So, going forward, our routines will include dumbbells. If you are looking to buy a set, I would purchase 5 lbs and 10 lbs. Sounds easy but you'll be gasping for air and a break in no time! So for today we are going to stick with body weights, but come tomorrow, or Friday, we are utilizing dumbbells!

** Perform each set of 3 exercises for the reps labeled. Perform the circuit for 5 minutes going through the exercises. Rest 3 minutes before moving onto the next circuit. **

1A. Jumping Jacks - 60 reps
1B. Mountain Climbers - 40 reps
1C. Leg Lifts - 20 reps (6 inches to 45 degree agle)

2A. Floor Dips - 20 reps (the closer your butt is to your feet the harder this will be)
2B. Push-ups - 15 reps
2C. Burpees - 10 reps

3A. Stair Toe Taps - 60 reps
3B. Alligator Kicks - 40 reps
3C. Jump Lunges - 20 reps

4A. Floor Dips - 20 reps (the closer your butt is to your feet the harder this will be)
4B. Push-Ups - 15 reps
4C. Burpees - 10 reps

5A. High Knee Jog in Place - 60 reps
5B. Ab Bicycles - 40 reps
5C. Body Squats - 20 reps

6A. Floor Dips - 20 reps (the closer your butt is to your feet the harder this will be)
6B. Push-Ups - 15 reps
6C. Burpees - 10 reps

To help you gauge progress, see how many times you can make it through the circuit, then compare yourself later!

Have Fun!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Holiday Welcome Back

Well everyone, the first week of the new year is finally upon us. This means a couple of things. First, gyms are going to be super packed with all of those new years resolutions. Second, the Holidays offer more than enough opportunities for us to binge and eat unhealthy. Lastly, beach body weather is about 5 months away. While all of this is important we only really to know one thing... We are hitting this year hard and starting it off even harder.

** Perform each exercise for the following number of reps and order. Rest according to below times **

Reps and Rest:
1A. 10 reps
1B. 15 seconds
2A. 20 reps
2B. 20 seconds
3A. 30 reps
3B. 30 seconds
4A. 10 reps
4B. 5 seconds
5A. 5 reps
5B. 2 minutes

Exercises in order:
1. Jumping Jacks
2. Push-ups
3. Body Squats
4. Leg Lifts to Thrusts

Have Fun!