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Friday, April 11, 2014

Run Like You Love Push-Ups

Hope the soreness from that leg day has subsided a bit. We are getting right back on the leg train with today's pre-weekend workout. Since it is a pre-weekend workout we need to focus on 2 things…. Getting you looking good and taking up as little time as possible. The perfect solution.... Sprints and Push-ups!!! Now it may be extremely repetitive but it will also crush your muscles into oblivion and challenge all of your will power. Don't give up.

** Perform the following. Rest and stretch for 3 minuets between each number. Rest only if you have to while on a number **

1. Jog 5 minutes

2. Run 2 - 100 yard sprints

3. 50 push-ups

4. Run 2 - 100 yard sprints

5. 50 push-ups

6. Run 2 - 100 yard sprints

7. 50 push-ups

8. Run 2 - 100 yard sprints

9. 50 push-ups

10. Jog 5 minutes

Have Fun!

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