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Friday, April 25, 2014

Jump Around

What do you do when you are so excited for the weekend? What do you do when you are so excited for anything? You jump for joy! Ok, lame, sorry. But, jumping is an incredible exercise and can offer great benefits for your legs and cardiovascular system. Today's workout is going to focus on jumping. Get ready to burn some serious calories and work every part of your leg and core.

** Perform each set of exercises as stated. Repeat each super set 3 times before moving on **

1. Jump Rope - 3 minutes

2A. Squat Jumps - 15 reps
2B. High Knee run in place - 30 Seconds

3. Jump Rope - 3 minutes

4A. Star Jumps - 15 reps
4B. Ski Jumpers side to side - 30 Seconds

5. Jump Rope - 3 minutes

6A. Jump Lunges - 15 reps
6B. But Kickers run in place - 30 Seconds

7. Jump Rope - 3 minutes

8A. Air Squats - 15 reps
8B. One Legged Box Jumps - 30 seconds each leg (use a small ledge 6 inches)

9. Jump Rope - 3 minutes

10A. 180 Squat Jumps - 15 reps
10B. Ski Jumpers front and back - 30 seconds

11. Jump Rope - 3 minutes

Have Fun!

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