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Friday, November 15, 2013

Adventure Run

Here is a new twist on an old favorite. We have done the runs where we stop every so many miles to do push-ups and sit-ups. This will be similar but focus more on your environment and it will be all lower body. Hopefully many of you are in a location where you can run outside. Whether you are in a development, city, or wooded area I am sure there will be some hills and ledges. Get outside and have some fun with this challenging and exciting workout!

** You will run for 45 minutes. Choose any pace you are comfortable with. Within the 45 minutes you will need to perform the following. Make sure to space it out! **

1. Jog backwards up a hill that is approximately 100 meters in length - be careful

2. Ledge jumps - same as a box jump. pick a curb, landscape or bench

3. Lunges up stairs - choose steps that have approximately 10 stpes

While running for the 45 minutes, perform the above 3 challenges 3 times a piece.

Have fun!

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