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Friday, November 22, 2013

2 is better than 1

Everyone knows that - in most cases - 2 is better than 1! Think about it, 2 more miles, 2 more pull-ups, 2 more celebration beers! Today, to honor this old time saying, we are going about everything double. But not exactly what you may think. There are different ways to target your muscles. Changing weight, speed and control ultimately affects your workout and end goal. At GoLife, we strive to be well round fitness champions and that is why, we are going to work our muscles both ways, and not just one. See, doesn't 2 sound better than 1?

** Perform each exercise below twice in a superset formation. Rest for 30 seconds between A and B and then rest for 1 minute before moving to the next exercise. When you are done, repeat the whole thing! **

1A. Jog 5 - 100 meter laps
1B. Sprint 5 - 100 meter laps

2A. Goblet Squats - 2 sets of 10 (hold a weight 20 - 30 lbs)
2B. Jump squats - 2 sets of 10 

3A. Wall Push-ups - 10 reps
3B. Decline Push-ups - 8 reps

4A. Jumping Jacks - 2 sets of 30
4B. Lunge Jumps - 2 sets of 20 

5A. Leg Lifts - 30
5B. Plank to push-up - 10

6A. Chair dips - 2 sets of 20
6B. Get-ups - 2 sets of 10 (lay down and get back up)

Have Fun!

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