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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Start Your Engine

Today you will become your own greatest achievement. The following workout will take what you can do and make it harder. Therefore, any level can take on this workout and this method. The best part is, that once you do a workout like this, and set the bar for yourself, the only think you can do next is destroy that bar! Good luck to all of you starting a journey. Test and amaze yourself everyday.

Workout: Cardio, Endurance
Challenge: Weight Loss, Distance

1. Run 1 mile

2. Take the time of your run and row for that long (record your distance)

3. Bike 5 miles

4. Take the time of your bike and walk uphill for that long (record your distance)

Repeat this twice and record your total distance. Then try this again in a few weeks and see how it changes!

Have fun!

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