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Monday, March 4, 2013

It's a Circuit!

Dispite the recent ramp up in cardio in my routine, I still do not feel like my endurance is gaining any strength. To combat this, I am going to be focusing on high intensity cardio bouts this week. In addition to this, I am considering today day 1 of serious training. As the triathlon is June 23, this gives me a little under 4 months of intense training. Let's bring it on!

Workout: Increase V02 max, Endurance
Challenge: Triathlon, Ninja Warrior

Perform the following circuit 3 times. Rest 3 minutes after each circuit.

1. Burpee to Pull-up (10 reps)

2.T Push-ups (16 reps) 8 each side

3. 12 inch Box Jumps (1 minute)

4. Dead Lift to row (1 minute) - use 20 lb dumbbells

5. Kettle Bell Shoulder Swing (1 minute)

6. Reverse Lunge (20 reps) 10 each side

7. Gorilla Pull-ups (8 reps)

8. Suicide Sprints (2 sets)

9A. Bicep Curl (12 reps)
9B. Triceps Extension (12 reps)

10. Plank (1 minute)

Have fun!

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