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Thursday, March 14, 2013


Ok, so you all know what a triathlon is. Swim, bike and then run. Awesome. Great workout and a major accomplishment when you complete one. Because of this, I would like to propose the Triathacool. Like the triathlon it focus on 3 distinct "workouts" to combine into an outstanding achievement. 

Workout: Endurance
Challenge: Triathlon

1. Incline Bench Press: 10 sets (10 reps each) choose a weight that makes you struggle for the last rep

2. Row Machine: 5 sets (200 meter row) rest 2 minutes in between each

3. Burppe to Pull-up: 10 sets (7 reps each) If you get too tired, cut out the pull-up

This should be pretty cool.

Have fun!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Start Your Engine

Today you will become your own greatest achievement. The following workout will take what you can do and make it harder. Therefore, any level can take on this workout and this method. The best part is, that once you do a workout like this, and set the bar for yourself, the only think you can do next is destroy that bar! Good luck to all of you starting a journey. Test and amaze yourself everyday.

Workout: Cardio, Endurance
Challenge: Weight Loss, Distance

1. Run 1 mile

2. Take the time of your run and row for that long (record your distance)

3. Bike 5 miles

4. Take the time of your bike and walk uphill for that long (record your distance)

Repeat this twice and record your total distance. Then try this again in a few weeks and see how it changes!

Have fun!

Monday, March 11, 2013

I Hate Mondays

Do you know why I hate Mondays? It is because like a lame loser I do nothing on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Well fortunately that is no longer going to happen since Spring is here and Summer is around the corner. So today, we need to deystroy ourselves to get right back at it! Here you go with back and chest. Hit it hard!

Workout: size, strength
Challenge: weight, unleash your best

Superset each number. Rest 4 minutes before continuing on:

1A. Bench Press: 5 sets (16, 14, 12, 10, 8)
1B. Lat Pull-downs: 5 sets (8, 10, 12, 14, 16)

2A. Bent Over Rows: 5 sets (16, 14, 12, 10, 8)
2B. Incline Dumbbell Press: 5 sets (8, 10, 12, 14, 16)

3A. Cable Fly: 5 sets (16, 14, 12, 10, 8)
3B. Hammer Grip Rows: 5 sets (8, 10, 12, 14, 16)

4A. Chin-ups: 5 sets (16, 14, 12, 10, 8)
4B. Dips: 5 sets (8, 10, 12, 14, 16)

I love this workout!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Dirty Dozen

Here you go Will! Your genious training technic, your badass mentality and your awesome work ethic has paid off. Now, your workout will be enjoyed by all!

So everyone out there, don't let Will down. But more importantly, dont let yourself down!

Workout: Rowing, Endurance, V02 max
Challenge: Max out, pushing yourself

* You will be doing 12 - 500 meter row sprints.  Hence the name the dirty dozen.
* Between each row sprint take a 3 minute walk around the gym, this is your rest.
* Each sprint should take you appx 2 minutes.

Have fun, this will challenge every muscle and nerve in your body.

Monday, March 4, 2013

It's a Circuit!

Dispite the recent ramp up in cardio in my routine, I still do not feel like my endurance is gaining any strength. To combat this, I am going to be focusing on high intensity cardio bouts this week. In addition to this, I am considering today day 1 of serious training. As the triathlon is June 23, this gives me a little under 4 months of intense training. Let's bring it on!

Workout: Increase V02 max, Endurance
Challenge: Triathlon, Ninja Warrior

Perform the following circuit 3 times. Rest 3 minutes after each circuit.

1. Burpee to Pull-up (10 reps)

2.T Push-ups (16 reps) 8 each side

3. 12 inch Box Jumps (1 minute)

4. Dead Lift to row (1 minute) - use 20 lb dumbbells

5. Kettle Bell Shoulder Swing (1 minute)

6. Reverse Lunge (20 reps) 10 each side

7. Gorilla Pull-ups (8 reps)

8. Suicide Sprints (2 sets)

9A. Bicep Curl (12 reps)
9B. Triceps Extension (12 reps)

10. Plank (1 minute)

Have fun!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Frat Arm Friday

Friday is the best day of the week. Best day at work, best night to look forward to, and best day to workout you arms! Yes ladies and gentleman, today is going to be a total meathead focused workout. No high intensity or compound movements, just the best arm workout you can put yourself through. I love crushing my arms and having them inflated as a water balloon for the next thress days... But I especially like having this feeling over a weekend!

Workout: Biceps, Triceps
Challeneg: Size, Strength, Cosmetic

Whenever doing arms, always start with Triceps. Triceps are the larger muscle and actually account for 2/3 your arm. When they are big, they actually push into the Bicep giving the bicep a more glamourous look. If you're gonna be a meathead, at least be a smart meathead.

1. Body Weight Dips: 3 sets (12 reps each)

2. Cable Pull Downs: 4 sets (10, 8, 8, 6)

3. Cable Kick Backs: 3 sets (12, 12, 12)

4. EZ Bar Bicep Curls: 3 sets (10 each)

5. Incline Chair Dumbbell Curls: 4 sets (12, 10, 8, 6)

6. Overhead Trcipe Extensions: 4 sets (12, 10, 8, 6)

7. Pyramid Hammer Curls: 2 sets (12, 10, 8, 10, 12) - Only rest 15 seconds between sets.

8A. Bench Dips: 4 sets (10 reps each)
8B. Diamond Push-ups: 4 sets (each till failure)

9A. Cable Curls: 3 sets (12, 12, 12)
9B. Cable Triceps Pull Downs: 3 sets (12, 12, 12) - use te rope


Run +

It is actually a mild day here for the first time in a while. The weather is supposed to be sunny, breezy and in the 50's this afternoon. If you ask me, that is perfect running weather. But, we have neglected our core for almost a week now! Oh what will we do? No worries! I have the answer! We will run.... and do core!

Workout: Distance, Run, Core
Challenge: Marathon, Race

Today you will be running for 40 minutes total. the distance you cover is up to you. However, during the run, every half mile or so, stop and perform the following:

25 bycicle kicks
25 Leg Lifts
25 Thrusts
25 Crunches
1 minute Plank

Effectivley you should try to shoot to do this 5-6 times during the run. The core part should take you 3 - 4 minutes.

Have Fun!