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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Progress Progress Progress

Keep it moving today with some progressions! Each exercise you are going to do today will start easy and head towards difficult rather quickly before heading back to easy. An exercise like this will challenge your muscles, cardio system, and will power. I hope you all stick it out for the hard parts to these exercises, the come down is right around the corner.


** Perform each exercise for either reps or time as listed. Do each exercise as a pyramid going from A-B-C-B-A.  Do each exercise for 2 pyramids. Rest when you need to. **


1. Push-up

A. Diamond grip – 5 reps

B. Standard grip – 5 reps

C. Wide grip – 5 reps


2. Squats

A. Close Stance – 5 reps

B. Regular Stance – 5 reps

C. Sumo Stance – 5 reps


3. Leg Lifts

A. Flutter Kicks – 30 seconds

B. V Extensions – 30 seconds

C. Knees to Chest – 30 seconds


4. Burpees

A. Front Burpee (standard) – 5 reps

B. Side Burpee (feet to each side – 6 reps (3 each)

C. Reverse Burpee – 5 reps


5. Toe Taps

A. Toe Tap – 5 reps

B. Elongated Toe Tap – 5 reps

C. Jump Lunge – 5 reps


6. Crunches

A. Standard Crunch – 30 seconds

B. Full Sit-Up – 30 seconds

C. Full Sit-Up Twist – 30 seconds


7. Jumps

A. Hops – 30 seconds

B. Ski Jumpers – 30 seconds

C. Side Jumps (Heisman’s) – 30 seconds



Have Fun!

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