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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hello Intensity

I hope everyone had a good day back to reality! We definitely had a nice easy get back into it workout yesterday by taking things slow. Today we are going to turn it up a notch to really get that blood flowing and the body on its way back to greatness. Without further ado, I bring to you:


** Perform each exercise set as needed, rest only when you need to. You will start to notice a pattern pretty quickly **


1. 20 Body Squats


* 10 Burpees


2. 20 Push-ups


* 10 Burpees


3. 10 Pull-ups


* 10 Burpees


4. 20 Lunges


* 10 Burpees


5. 20 Diamond Push-ups


* 10 Burpees


6. 20 Get-ups


* 10 Burpees


7. 20 Leg Lifts


* 10 Burpees


8. 20 Wide Grip Push-ups


* 10 Burpees


9. 10 Jump Squats


* 10 Burpees


Have Fun!

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