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Friday, September 5, 2014

Hi High Intesity

And it all culminates today! We are going to be able to consider ourselves 100% back after this one. The exercise will only take you about 40 minutes, but you will need to go hard the entire time. Oh, and make sure you have a stopwatch!

** Perform each exercise for 30 seconds. Jog in place for 15 seconds before moving to the next. Repeat the entire circuit 3 times. Rest 2-4 minutes in between each circuit **

1. Jumping Jacks
2. Ski Jumpers
3. Diamond Push-ups
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Standard Squat
6. Jump Lunges
7. Wide Grip Push-ups
8. Pikes
9. Sumo Squat
10. Should Circles
11. Standard Push-up
12. Jump Squat
13. Wall Sit
14. Low Plank Hold

Repeat 3 times. Remember to jog in place for 15 seconds before moving on to the next exercise.

Have Fun!

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