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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Jump for Weights

I have some great news for everyone today. We are going to lift heavy!!!! But wait! There is more! We are also going to do a lot of jump rope!!!!

** Perform the following as stated **

1. Bench Press: 5 sets (10 reps each)

2. Jump Rope: 3 minutes - rest when/if you need to

3. Incline Bench Press: 5 sets (10 reps each)

4. Jump Rope: 3 minutes - rest when/if you need to

5. Bent Over Rows Under Hand Grip: 5 sets (10 reps each)

6. Jump Rope: 3 minutes - rest when/if you need to

7. Bent Over Rows Over Hand Grip: 5 sets (10 reps each)

8. Jump Rope: 3 minutes - rest when/if you need to

9. Pull-ups: 5 sets (each till failure)

10. Jump Rope: 3 minutes - rest when/if you need to

Have Fun!

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