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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Jump for Joy

I am literally crying as I write this. A solid stream of joy, fear, and pure excitement. Today's workout is going to be an absolute whirlwind of jumping compound movements. There will not be a single "relaxing" movement. You need to dedicate 30 - 35 solid minutes to giving it your all! I know you can do it so get ready to kick some serous workout butt. 

** Perform each exercise for 1 minutes a piece. Perform each circuit 3 times each. Rest only when you absolutely have to. **

1A. Jump Squats
1B. Side to Side Push-ups
1C. 180 Jump Squats

2A. Burpees
2B. Ski Jumps (over a 1 foot height box)
2C. Mountain Climbers

3A. Hip Thrusters
3B. Star Jumps
3C. Jump Rope

Have Fun!

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