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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Prying Pyramid

Time to take the word pyramid to a whole other level. Today you will be doing 5 compound exercises that will attack nearly every muscle in your body. This workout will get harder and harder all the way until it just about breaks you. It will then slowly crush you as it brings you back down. Sounds incredibly exciting! But yet, awesomely basic.

** Perform 1 rep of each exercise. When all 5 exercises are performed, start at the first and this time do 2 reps. Work your way up to 10 and then all the way back down to 1. Rest when you need to. **

1. Push-up
2. Jump Squat
3. Clean and Press (use 15 lb dumbbells)
4. Hip Thruster
5. Pull-up

Have Fun!

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