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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Like a Ninja

Today is all about quickness, speed, agility and control. Working on these aspects will take your body, and your future workouts to a whole new level. Having these skills will reduce injury, increase your range of motion and make you more functional. Have fun today, it will be a good one!

** Workout will be broken down in 5 parts. Warm-up, speed, agility, control, and balance/cool down. Do each section as stated. Rest 3 minutes between each section and when you need to during each section. **

1. Jog stairs for 5 minutes

2. 100 yard sprints - 5 reps
3. Stair Sprints - 5 reps (use a 50 yard hill as a substitute)
4. 100 yard backward sprints - 5 reps

** Find a 10 x 10 foot imaginary box. Do the following **
5. Side shuffle, back and forward all around the box 5 times
6. Side shuffle, back and forward all around the box 5 times adding push-ups at each rotation
7. Side shuffle, back and forward all around the box 5 times adding body squats at each rotation

** Perform the following for one minute each. Repeat everything twice **
8. Low Plank
9. Right Side Plank
10. Left Side Plank
11. Walking Sumo Squat
12. Walking Lunge
13. Plank Walk (one side each time through

** for these, do each side for the amount of sets listed **
14. Side Leg Raises: 3 sets (10 reps each)
15. Back Leg Raises: 3 sets (10 reps each)
16. Front Leg Push: 3 sets (10 reps each)
17. Ghost Lunge: 3 sets (10 reps each)

Have Fun!

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