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Monday, June 23, 2014

Soccer Stars Wanted

Hi team! Welcome to another beautiful week! I am sure you have all been fully engaged in the World Cup that has been going on. To honor this incredible sporting event, we are going to be tackling the World Cup Workout! This workout is designed to help you speed, agility, balance, power and acceleration... just like a real life soccer player! Have fun with this one!

** For the first 6 drills you will move 10 yard in between each stopping point. You will do a different exercise at each stopping point and on the movement portion. Keep moving until you make it 70 yards. Do 5 reps at each point. Perform each twice and then move on. From 7 on, perform as stated **

1A. Stopping Exercise: Body Squats
1B. Movement Exercise: High Knees

2A. Stopping Exercise: Star Jumps
2B. Movement Exercise: Butt Kickers

3A. Stopping Exercise: Ski Jumper
3B. Movement Exercise: Walking Lunges

4A. Stopping Exercise: Front Kicks - 3 each side
4B. Movement Exercise: Power Skips

5A. Stopping Exercise: Chops - 3 each side
5B. Movement Exercise: Sumo Walks

6A. Stopping Exercise: Squat Jumps
6B. Movement Exercise: Back Lunges

7. Suicides - 3 sets (set each cone 10 yards apart, use 4 cones. Back pedal on each return shuttle

8A. Mountain climbers - 30 reps
8B. Plank - Hold 1 minutes

9A. Leg lifts - 30 reps
9B. Leg Lift Hold - Hold 1 minutes

10A. Sit-ups - 30 reps
10B. Sit up Hod - Hold 1 minutes

11. Jump Lunges - 50 reps

12. Jump Squats - 25 reps

Have Fun!

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