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Monday, June 9, 2014

Back to the Gym!

Going to be doing things a bit differently today. Turns out I had an access to a gym. Wanted to bring back an old type of workout. It is always good to switch things up and incorporate new things. Let's attack this one today and get super excited about it because we haven't use some weights in a while!

** perform each super set for 3 sets. Perform each other exercise as stated. **

1. Walk up hill – 5 minutes

2. Jog flat – 5 minutes

3A. Cable Rows Wide Grip: 10 reps each

3B. Dumbbell Bench Press: 10 reps each

4A. Lat Pull-downs: 10 reps each

4B. Seated Shoulder Press: 10 reps each

5. Clean and Press: 12 reps each – use medicine ball

6. Kettle Bell Swing: 10 reps each – use dumbbell if no kettle bell

7A. Bent Over Dumbbell Hammer Grip Rows: 10 reps each

7B. Push-ups: 10 reps each (Adjust difficulty by using the bench)

7C. Side Shoulder raises: 10 reps each – (hold for a second at the top)

8. Walk up hill – 3 minutes

9. Jog up hill – 3 minutes

10. Fast walk flat – 3 minutes

Have Fun!

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