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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Throwback Already

OK, I have to be honest, that workout we did on Thursday was awesome. My favorite part was the end where we exchanged rep for rep with squats and push-ups. Thanks to that great experience, I am mirroring our fun adventure today off of it! I hope you all had a nice relaxing weekend, but make sure you enjoy this week too. Starting in March, we really start to kick ass.

** Perform the following 4 exercises one after another all the way up to 12 reps each and then back down. Rest when you need to. Record your time so you can track your performance. **

1. Squats
2. Clean and Press - use 10 pound dumbbells
3. Push-Ups
4. Leg Lift to Hip Thrust

BONUS: Do 25 burpees to round it all out

Have Fun!

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