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Friday, February 21, 2014

Salad Bar

Hello everyone! What a little delay we have had! Hopefully you have all kept the intensity up and have been jamming on your own. Since we have had such a small delay, we are going to be hitting every body part with today's workout. We will also be going in and out of reps and time based exercises. Think of today as a salad bar and you put everything on your plate.

** Follow the below directions. The last one is a but of a challenge so go get it! **

Perform the following exercises for 20 reps each. Do 1 minute of Jumping Jacks before moving to the next exercise.

1. Ski Jumpers
- Jacks
2. Hip thrusts
- Jacks
3. Lung to Front Kick
- Jacks
4. T Push-ups
- Jacks
5. Dips
- Jacks
6. Jumping Squats
- Jacks

Perform Each Exercise for 50 seconds. Rest 10 seconds and then move on. Repeat this whole circuit 3 times.

1. Jump Lunges
2. Chops (switch sides each rep)
3. Mountain Climbers
4. Caterpillar Push-ups
5. Side Lunge

Perform a pyramid for the following 2 exercises. Go 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, etc all the way up to 10. And then, go back down.

1. Squats
2. Push-ups

Have Fun!

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