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Friday, April 4, 2014

Shake Out the Cobwebs

Hello everyone!

Sorry for the long delay in posts here! That whole cobwebs things is a complete joke since I know you have all been continuing to work in my absence. I am also sure you have all been gearing up for summer so we will get right back into things. I would like to start things up with a classic Jonicus workout. Super lame name but not super lame workout. Time to put your heads down and give it some hard work.

*** Perform each exercise for 1 minute. Rest 15 seconds in between each exercise. Perform the entire circuit 3 times ***

1. High Knee March
2. Side to Side Lunge
3. Standard Push-Up
4. Floor Dips
5. Body Squats
6. Front to Back Lunges
7. Mountain Climbers
8. Bicycle Crunches (go slowly for more work)
9. T-Push Ups (Alternate with T - side to side with no push-up)
10. BURPEES!!!!!

Have Fun!

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