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Thursday, April 24, 2014

50 Yard Shuffle

Hope yesterday was a good one for all of you! The full body, muscle focused, jam packed routine of circuits never seems to disappoint. Today we are going to switch gears a bit and ditch the circuits for some prolonged movements. All you need today is a grass field and your body... which is hopefully full of energy.

** Perform each exercise up and down a 50 yard filed. Rest for 10 seconds at the 50 yard mark before heading back. Do each exercise for the number of times shown (up and back counts as 1) **

1. Jog - 2x

2. Sprint - 2x

3. Plan Walk (side) - 1x

4. High knee Spritns - 2x

5. Plank Walk (forward) - 1x

6. Side Shuffle - 2x

7. Sprint - 2x

8. Back Sprint - 1x

9. High Skips - 2x

10. Walking Leg Kicks - 1x

11. 25 Push-ups - 2x (not moving)

Have Fun!

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