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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Good Luck Walking Tomorrow

Ok, be honest, yesterday was a lot of fun. The pyramids not only keep your body moving and targeting different muscles, but it kept you focused! Yesterday was a good mix of high intensity movements mixed with solid compound exercises. Today we are going to dial back the intensity a bit and focus specifically on muscle toning around the legs and core.

** Everything you do today will be a super-set - 1 leg exercise and 1 core exercise. Do each exercise for 10 reps unless otherwise stated. Perform each super-set (number) for 3 rounds. **

1A. Body Squats
1B. Full Sit-up

2A. Air Squats
2B. Slow Bicycle kicks

3A. Back Lunges (10 each leg)
3B. Plank to Push-Up

4A. One legged Squat (10 each leg - put other leg on a bench or chair)
4B. Alligator Kicks

5A. Side Lunges
5B. T Push-Ups

6A. Ski Jumpers side to side - 10 jumps to each side
6B. V-ups

7A. Sumo Stance Squat Hold - hold 30 seconds
7B. 6 Inches - hold for 30 seconds (Leg Lift with legs 6 inches off the ground)

8A. Wall Sits - hold 30 seconds
8B. Plank - hold 30 seconds

Have Fun!

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