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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Yes Sir... Another Circuit

Now, I know you all just went out to the store to purchase new dumbbells since I said we are going to start using them. The last thing I would like to do is disappoint…. But, we are going to have one more circuit day before diving into the full use of these dumbbells. This workout will challenge your ability to keep your body moving while engaging different muscles. Let the muscles rest but not the heart!

** Perform lift in the circuit for 45 seconds, take 10 seconds to switch to the next exercise. Perform each circuit 2 times and then move on (each circuit lasts 4 minutes). Rest for 1 minute in between circuits. After the circuits enjoy some abs! **

1A. Jumping Jacks

1B. Push-ups

2A. T push-ups

2B. Side Hops

3A. Jump Lunges

3B. Shoulder Circles

4A. Pikes

4B. Hip Thrusts

5A. Burpees

5B. Dips

6. V Sit-ups: 3 sets – (12, 12, 12)

7. Leg Lifts to Thrusts: 3 sets – (12, 12, 12) –a lift and a thrust up count as 1

8. Side Plank: 2 sets – (30 seconds each) –each side gets 2

9. Crunches: 3 sets – (20, 20, 20)

10: Hold plan till failure….. twice

Have Fun!

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