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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Continued Cario!

Good work with that routine on Monday; it was a total cardio killer! I first have a public announcement before we get into the workout. Now, I know that we have been doing all body weight workouts for the past 2 months but I am going to switch gears a bit. You know, being that it is a new year and all. So, going forward, our routines will include dumbbells. If you are looking to buy a set, I would purchase 5 lbs and 10 lbs. Sounds easy but you'll be gasping for air and a break in no time! So for today we are going to stick with body weights, but come tomorrow, or Friday, we are utilizing dumbbells!

** Perform each set of 3 exercises for the reps labeled. Perform the circuit for 5 minutes going through the exercises. Rest 3 minutes before moving onto the next circuit. **

1A. Jumping Jacks - 60 reps
1B. Mountain Climbers - 40 reps
1C. Leg Lifts - 20 reps (6 inches to 45 degree agle)

2A. Floor Dips - 20 reps (the closer your butt is to your feet the harder this will be)
2B. Push-ups - 15 reps
2C. Burpees - 10 reps

3A. Stair Toe Taps - 60 reps
3B. Alligator Kicks - 40 reps
3C. Jump Lunges - 20 reps

4A. Floor Dips - 20 reps (the closer your butt is to your feet the harder this will be)
4B. Push-Ups - 15 reps
4C. Burpees - 10 reps

5A. High Knee Jog in Place - 60 reps
5B. Ab Bicycles - 40 reps
5C. Body Squats - 20 reps

6A. Floor Dips - 20 reps (the closer your butt is to your feet the harder this will be)
6B. Push-Ups - 15 reps
6C. Burpees - 10 reps

To help you gauge progress, see how many times you can make it through the circuit, then compare yourself later!

Have Fun!

1 comment:

  1. Another good one! Just got finished. Got though each part of the circuit about 3 times in the 5 minutes, but those burps at the end were killer.
