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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Diggin Those Dumbbells

Well, as promised, time to use those dumbbells!!! Wooo!!! In honor of this dumbbell session here, we are going to focus on muscle building. We have had a lot of cardio options over the past few days so this will be a nice change of pace for everyone. You will notice tstly based on time, this one will be based on reps and resting. For this workout I would use the heavier of your two dumbbells. But, unless you are Mr. Universe, or Hercules, I would recommend not going over 15lbs.

** Perform each exercise for the sets and reps listed. For those exercises below that make you do one side at a time, you will be performing the sets listed for each of them. So if 3 sets is listed, that really means 6 total (3 each arm) **

1. Single Arm Clean and Press: 3 sets (12 each)

2. Hammer Curl to Hammer Press: 3 sets (12 each)

3. T-Push-ups: 3 sets (8 reps each) - must lift the dumbbell

4. Bent Over Row to Triceps Extension: 3 sets (10 each) - Make sure your back is flat - if you feel pain than stop!

5. Lung to Curl: 3 sets (12 each) - 6 reps each leg

6. Squat to Front Raise: 3 sets (10 each)

7. Single Arm Dumbbell Swing: 3 sets (12 each) - extend all the way through your legs and up to shoulder

8. Jog for 5 - 10 minutes - could not completley ignore cardio, right!?

Have Fun!

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