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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Prying Pyramid

Time to take the word pyramid to a whole other level. Today you will be doing 5 compound exercises that will attack nearly every muscle in your body. This workout will get harder and harder all the way until it just about breaks you. It will then slowly crush you as it brings you back down. Sounds incredibly exciting! But yet, awesomely basic.

** Perform 1 rep of each exercise. When all 5 exercises are performed, start at the first and this time do 2 reps. Work your way up to 10 and then all the way back down to 1. Rest when you need to. **

1. Push-up
2. Jump Squat
3. Clean and Press (use 15 lb dumbbells)
4. Hip Thruster
5. Pull-up

Have Fun!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Like a Ninja

Today is all about quickness, speed, agility and control. Working on these aspects will take your body, and your future workouts to a whole new level. Having these skills will reduce injury, increase your range of motion and make you more functional. Have fun today, it will be a good one!

** Workout will be broken down in 5 parts. Warm-up, speed, agility, control, and balance/cool down. Do each section as stated. Rest 3 minutes between each section and when you need to during each section. **

1. Jog stairs for 5 minutes

2. 100 yard sprints - 5 reps
3. Stair Sprints - 5 reps (use a 50 yard hill as a substitute)
4. 100 yard backward sprints - 5 reps

** Find a 10 x 10 foot imaginary box. Do the following **
5. Side shuffle, back and forward all around the box 5 times
6. Side shuffle, back and forward all around the box 5 times adding push-ups at each rotation
7. Side shuffle, back and forward all around the box 5 times adding body squats at each rotation

** Perform the following for one minute each. Repeat everything twice **
8. Low Plank
9. Right Side Plank
10. Left Side Plank
11. Walking Sumo Squat
12. Walking Lunge
13. Plank Walk (one side each time through

** for these, do each side for the amount of sets listed **
14. Side Leg Raises: 3 sets (10 reps each)
15. Back Leg Raises: 3 sets (10 reps each)
16. Front Leg Push: 3 sets (10 reps each)
17. Ghost Lunge: 3 sets (10 reps each)

Have Fun!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Slow and Steady and Nice and Easy

Time to switch it up a bit. We went pretty hard and fast over the past 2 days. Love the effort and dedication from everyone fighting through those workouts. For today, we are going to slow it down. I wanted everyone to focus on balance, stabilizing muscle groups, control and of course, some good old fashion muscle conditioning. Enjoy the slowed pace and benefits it will bring!

** Perform each exercise block as stated **

Perform the following super set circuit 3 times:
1A. Caterpillar Push-ups - 10 reps
1B. Front Hinge to Toe Touch - 8 reps each side
1C. Side Hinge to Toe Touch - 8 reps each side

Perform the following super set circuit 3 times. Go through each exercise taking 3 seconds on the eccentric movement and 3 seconds on the concentric movement (1 rep should take about 7 seconds - slow and controlled):
1A. Standard Grip Push-ups - 10 reps
1B. Body Squat - 8 reps each side
1C. Ghost Lunge - 8 reps each side (backwards lungs where back foot never touches ground)

Perform each exercise for 10 reps and the perform the hold for 30 seconds. Go through the entire super set 3 times:
1A. Wide Stance Squat
1B. Standing Seated Position - use wall if you have to
2A. Pikes
2B. High Plank
3A. T Push-ups
3B. Side Shoulder Raise Hold

Last set, start with 10 reps of push-ups and 1 rep of squat. Move down one at a time for push-ups and move up one at a time for squats until you hit 1 and 10 respectively.

Have Fun!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Methodical Mayhem

How fun was yesterday!? I must be honest, I could not finish the pull-ups. On the second to last set I got 8 and on the last set I barely squeezed out 7. But don't worry, I added 2 more rounds on at the end because it was such a great time! Today, we are going to focus on 3 simple exercises that are designed to work your entire body. We will go about these 3 exercises in 3 separate ways. We will focus on strength, endurance and then both combined.

** Perform the Squat Jump (or body squat), Clean and Press (use 10 - 20 pound weights) and the Hanging Leg Lift (substitute with leg lifts) for each method below. Do each exercise in the order above, rest when you need during the routine and rest 3 minutes in between each **

1. Perform each exercise for 5 sets at 10 reps each. Take 3 seconds during both the concentric and eccentric (up and down) movement. Count out loud to help!

2. Perform each exercise for 5 sets each for 1 minutes. Rest only when you absolutely have to.

3. Perform each exercise for an all our effort for 6 sets at 20 seconds each set. Give it all you have.

Have Fun!

Monday, July 7, 2014


Today will be very hard. I thought of this one last night when I couldn't quite sleep. I fully understand this will be extremely challenging, if not maybe impossible for some out there. But, I say we all give it a try. I am really fired up to see if I can complete it tonight. I will let you all know!

** Below you will perform 4 routines. For each routine, do the exercise listed for the rep range listed. You will work your way up starting with 1, then 2, then 3. Rest 20 seconds in between each rep count and rest 3 minutes in between each exercise. **

1. Pull-ups: 1 rep to 10 reps (each set increase by 1)

2. Push-ups: 3 reps to 30 reps (each set increase by 3)

3. Chin-ups: 1 rep to 5 reps (every 2 sets increase by 1)

4. Diamond Push-ups: 2 reps to 20 reps (every 2 sets increase by 2)

Have Fun!