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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tit for Tat

It has been a little bit since we have focused on some good old fashion circuits. Today we are going to do a series of circuits that will either be based on time or reps. The idea here is to get your muscles and cardiovascular system engaged in different ways. You can decide for yourself which one is harder.

** Perform the timed circuits for 1 minutes per exercise. Perform the rep circuits for 12 reps. Always rest 15 seconds within a circuit between exercises and rest 2 minutes before moving to the next circuit. **

Rep Based
1A. Clean and Press
1B. Squat to front kick (alternate legs each squat)
1C. Diamond Push-ups

Time Based
2A. Pikes (in plank position)
2B. Wall Sits
2C. Ski Jumpers Side to Side

Rep Based
3A. Shoulder circles (forward)
3B. Superman's (laying on stomach) 3C. Windshield Wipers (ab exercise, move legs side to side to target obliques)

Time Based
4A. Star Jumps
4B. Split Jacks
4C. Plank

Rep Based
5A. Leg lifts to thrust
5B. One legged Squat (6 reps each leg)
5C. Reverse Burpees

Time Based
6A. Squat Jumps
6B. Dips
6C. High knee jog in place

Have Fun!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think i'm just going to have to start commenting on these because they look so lonely
