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Monday, June 2, 2014

Im So Happy we are Doing This Again

Yes! It is that time again! Time for another Jonicus! I hope you are all ready to jump right into this. Grab a partner, blast some music, and get ready for some serious effort spending. I know you can all do it.

** Perform each exercise for 60 seconds. Rest 15 seconds before moving on. Repeat the entire set 3 times total. **

1. Body Squat

2. Plank to Push-up

3. Star Jumps

4. Kettle bell squat (no kettle bell but same effect)

5. Leg Lift the Thrust

6. T Push-up

7. Lunge Twist

8. Judo Push-up

9. Dip to Leg Lift

10. Burpees

Have Fun!

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