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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Happy Hilling

Time for a little hills on this lovely Summer afternoon. Best part about hills and sprints are the incredible benefits they can give your cardiovascular systems as well as simultaneously benefiting your muscles and making you stronger. Grab a water bottle and head to your favorite hill for today's workout. If you don't have a hill or need to modify the routine, you can do this on flat ground.

** The hill, or flat land, should be about 30 - 40 yards.Throughout the entire workout, rest when you need to. Always jog back down the hill **

1. Jog up the hill - 3 sets

2. 25 push-ups

3. Sprint up the hill - 5 sets

4. 25 push-ups

5. Bear walk up the hill - 4 sets

6. 25 push-ups

7. Backward Sprint up the hill - 3 sets

8. 25 push-ups

9. Sprint up the hill - 4 sets

10. 25 push-ups

11. Plan walk up the hill - 4 sets (2 each side)

12. 25 push-ups

Have Fun!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Soccer Stars Wanted

Hi team! Welcome to another beautiful week! I am sure you have all been fully engaged in the World Cup that has been going on. To honor this incredible sporting event, we are going to be tackling the World Cup Workout! This workout is designed to help you speed, agility, balance, power and acceleration... just like a real life soccer player! Have fun with this one!

** For the first 6 drills you will move 10 yard in between each stopping point. You will do a different exercise at each stopping point and on the movement portion. Keep moving until you make it 70 yards. Do 5 reps at each point. Perform each twice and then move on. From 7 on, perform as stated **

1A. Stopping Exercise: Body Squats
1B. Movement Exercise: High Knees

2A. Stopping Exercise: Star Jumps
2B. Movement Exercise: Butt Kickers

3A. Stopping Exercise: Ski Jumper
3B. Movement Exercise: Walking Lunges

4A. Stopping Exercise: Front Kicks - 3 each side
4B. Movement Exercise: Power Skips

5A. Stopping Exercise: Chops - 3 each side
5B. Movement Exercise: Sumo Walks

6A. Stopping Exercise: Squat Jumps
6B. Movement Exercise: Back Lunges

7. Suicides - 3 sets (set each cone 10 yards apart, use 4 cones. Back pedal on each return shuttle

8A. Mountain climbers - 30 reps
8B. Plank - Hold 1 minutes

9A. Leg lifts - 30 reps
9B. Leg Lift Hold - Hold 1 minutes

10A. Sit-ups - 30 reps
10B. Sit up Hod - Hold 1 minutes

11. Jump Lunges - 50 reps

12. Jump Squats - 25 reps

Have Fun!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Challenge Time!

Alright everyone, so what is the plan for today? The plan is fun! And challenging fun at that! Today you are going to do a set 30 minute routine. Your challenge is to complete the 5 exercises below as stated. See how many times you can make it through the cycle in 30 minutes. Record your success and then see how you improve!

** Perform each exercise as stated. Rest whenever you need to. See how many times you can make it through the cycle. **

1. 10 Push-ups
2. 20 Pikes
3. 30 Body Squats
4. 40 Jumping Jacks
5. 50 Ski Jumpers (25 each side)
6. 60 second plank hold

Have Fun!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Still at the Gym

So how are we going to dedicate one day of gym exercise for the upper body and not do one for the lower body? Well, we are. And it is going to be awesome. I know we have been doing a lot of body weight exercises over the past several months. While this workout will incorporate some machines and weights, it is set up to ease you back in. Listen to your body, if anything feels off, turn it down. Have a good time with this one today. I promise, your legs will be sore.

** Perform each exercise and super-set for the reps listed. Rest 2 minutes in between each number. **

1. Light Jog: 1 set (7 minutes) - add some hills if you are feeling good 

2. Body Weight Squats: 3 sets (15 reps each)

3. Dumbbell Step up: 3 sets (8 reps each leg per set) hold 10 - 15 pounds, use the bench press as your step up

4A. Goblet Squat: 3 sets (10 reps each) hold a dumbbell against your chest - shoot for 15 lbs
4B. Jumping Jacks: 3 sets (12 reps each)

5. Backwards Lunge: 3 sets (8 reps each leg per set) 

6A. Leg Press Machine: 3 sets (10 reps each)
6B. Calves (use leg press machine): 3 sets (10 reps each)

7. Side Lunges: 3 sets (8 reps each leg per set) 

8A. Walking Lunges: 3 sets (6 reps each leg per set)
8B. Jump Squats: 3 sets (8 reps each)

9. Walk uphill: 5 minutes

Have Fun!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Back to the Gym!

Going to be doing things a bit differently today. Turns out I had an access to a gym. Wanted to bring back an old type of workout. It is always good to switch things up and incorporate new things. Let's attack this one today and get super excited about it because we haven't use some weights in a while!

** perform each super set for 3 sets. Perform each other exercise as stated. **

1. Walk up hill – 5 minutes

2. Jog flat – 5 minutes

3A. Cable Rows Wide Grip: 10 reps each

3B. Dumbbell Bench Press: 10 reps each

4A. Lat Pull-downs: 10 reps each

4B. Seated Shoulder Press: 10 reps each

5. Clean and Press: 12 reps each – use medicine ball

6. Kettle Bell Swing: 10 reps each – use dumbbell if no kettle bell

7A. Bent Over Dumbbell Hammer Grip Rows: 10 reps each

7B. Push-ups: 10 reps each (Adjust difficulty by using the bench)

7C. Side Shoulder raises: 10 reps each – (hold for a second at the top)

8. Walk up hill – 3 minutes

9. Jog up hill – 3 minutes

10. Fast walk flat – 3 minutes

Have Fun!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

You Know the Drill

It is drill time ladies and gentleman. Such an exciting day, and let me tell you why. You get to not only work on your muscle and cardio, but you get to work on your speed, agility, balance and explosiveness. Now, you may be thinking that this is nonsense since you are not an athlete, but, it is more relevant than you may think. Catching yourself from a fall, dodging a passing bicyclist, moving quickly to catch a closing door – all everyday activities that you can improve at!

** Perform each exercise in the following fashion. Perform the exercise for 5 reps at the beginning of the movement and 5 reps at the end of the movement. Make it so the movement will span ~30 yards, but reduce if needed (example: for Push-ups and Sprints – do 5 push-ups, sprint 50 yards and then do 5 push-ups). The reps labeled at each set dictates how many exercise and movements you do for that set. Remember, each movement has 2 exercise sets **

Reps: 5
Exercise: Mountain Climbers
Movement: Fast Jog (or sprint if you can)

Reps: 4
Exercise: Body Squats
Movement: Side Shuffle

Reps: 3
Exercise: Jump Lunges
Movement: High Knees

Reps: 3
Exercise: Side Lunges
Movement: Butt Kickers

Reps: 4
Exercise: Sumo Squats
Movement: backwards Jog

Reps: 5
Exercise: Push-ups
Movement: Sprints

Have Fun!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Im So Happy we are Doing This Again

Yes! It is that time again! Time for another Jonicus! I hope you are all ready to jump right into this. Grab a partner, blast some music, and get ready for some serious effort spending. I know you can all do it.

** Perform each exercise for 60 seconds. Rest 15 seconds before moving on. Repeat the entire set 3 times total. **

1. Body Squat

2. Plank to Push-up

3. Star Jumps

4. Kettle bell squat (no kettle bell but same effect)

5. Leg Lift the Thrust

6. T Push-up

7. Lunge Twist

8. Judo Push-up

9. Dip to Leg Lift

10. Burpees

Have Fun!