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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday Sprints

Time to turn up the cardio! 2 vicious days this week focused on some repetitive compound movements that blasted your chest and back while also engaging your shoulders, arms, core and even some legs. Some legs.... not enough. For that reason, this Sunday will be sprint day with a few surprises thrown in there. Lace up the sneakers and prepare for battle.

** Perform the following Sprints and do the listed exercises in between. **

1. 5 minute Jog

2. 5 - 100 yard sprints

3. 50 Body Squats - rest when you need to

4. 5 - 100 yard uphill (if you can find an uphill do it regular

5. 50 Front Lunges (total) - rest when you need to

6. 5 - 100 yard backwards sprints - be careful

7. 50 Side Lunges (total) - rest when you need to

8. 5 minute Jog - cool down

Have Fun!

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