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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Change It Up

Today is all about variety! this is inspired mostly because we have done some serious repetitive exercises lately. While doing those exercises are great, it is important to incorporate multiple moves into your routine. So let's shake some things up today!

** Perform each exercise for 10 reps and then move to the next. Complete the entire list 2 - 3 times. Rest for a few seconds in between each exercise. **

1. Crunch
2. Squat twist
3. Standing side leg lifts
4. Ballet twist
5. Superman roll crunch
6. Reverse bench sit-ups with weight
7. Plié squats
8. Plié squat pulses
9. Plié squat toes lifted
10. First position squats toes lifted
11. First position pulses toes lifted
12. Squat jumps
13. One leg squats
14. Push-ups
15. Bicep burners- 8 full, 8 half, 8 full
16. Shoulder presses
17. Tricep dips
18. Lateral raises
19. Tricep kickbacks
20. Tricep pulse backs

Have Fun!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Throwback Already

OK, I have to be honest, that workout we did on Thursday was awesome. My favorite part was the end where we exchanged rep for rep with squats and push-ups. Thanks to that great experience, I am mirroring our fun adventure today off of it! I hope you all had a nice relaxing weekend, but make sure you enjoy this week too. Starting in March, we really start to kick ass.

** Perform the following 4 exercises one after another all the way up to 12 reps each and then back down. Rest when you need to. Record your time so you can track your performance. **

1. Squats
2. Clean and Press - use 10 pound dumbbells
3. Push-Ups
4. Leg Lift to Hip Thrust

BONUS: Do 25 burpees to round it all out

Have Fun!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Salad Bar

Hello everyone! What a little delay we have had! Hopefully you have all kept the intensity up and have been jamming on your own. Since we have had such a small delay, we are going to be hitting every body part with today's workout. We will also be going in and out of reps and time based exercises. Think of today as a salad bar and you put everything on your plate.

** Follow the below directions. The last one is a but of a challenge so go get it! **

Perform the following exercises for 20 reps each. Do 1 minute of Jumping Jacks before moving to the next exercise.

1. Ski Jumpers
- Jacks
2. Hip thrusts
- Jacks
3. Lung to Front Kick
- Jacks
4. T Push-ups
- Jacks
5. Dips
- Jacks
6. Jumping Squats
- Jacks

Perform Each Exercise for 50 seconds. Rest 10 seconds and then move on. Repeat this whole circuit 3 times.

1. Jump Lunges
2. Chops (switch sides each rep)
3. Mountain Climbers
4. Caterpillar Push-ups
5. Side Lunge

Perform a pyramid for the following 2 exercises. Go 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, etc all the way up to 10. And then, go back down.

1. Squats
2. Push-ups

Have Fun!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday Sprints

Time to turn up the cardio! 2 vicious days this week focused on some repetitive compound movements that blasted your chest and back while also engaging your shoulders, arms, core and even some legs. Some legs.... not enough. For that reason, this Sunday will be sprint day with a few surprises thrown in there. Lace up the sneakers and prepare for battle.

** Perform the following Sprints and do the listed exercises in between. **

1. 5 minute Jog

2. 5 - 100 yard sprints

3. 50 Body Squats - rest when you need to

4. 5 - 100 yard uphill (if you can find an uphill do it regular

5. 50 Front Lunges (total) - rest when you need to

6. 5 - 100 yard backwards sprints - be careful

7. 50 Side Lunges (total) - rest when you need to

8. 5 minute Jog - cool down

Have Fun!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

As Promised, and repetitive!

With yesterday in the books, I am sure the last thing you want to do is any type of push-up. Hopefully you stuck through the whole workout and were able to finish. If so, I expect you are feeling pretty sore in the chest, shoulders and core today. Since we lit up the front of the body yesterday, we are going to focus on rows today. Same style as yesterday so I hope you enjoyed it!

** Perform the following. Love the Row. **

1. Bent over Barbell Wide Grip Rows: 3 sets (10 reps each)
2. Bent over Barbell Close Grip Rows: 3 sets (10 reps each)
3. Bent over Barbell Underhand Grip Rows: 3 sets (10 reps each)
4. Bent over Dumbbell Wide Grip Rows: 3 sets (10 reps each)
5. Bent over Dumbbell Close Rows: 3 sets (10 reps each)
6. Bent over Dumbbell Hammer Grip Rows: 3 sets (10 reps each)
7. Bent over Back Flys: 3 sets (10 reps each)
8. Push-up stance Hammer Dumbbell Rows: 3 sets (10 reps each)
9. Bent over Underhand Wide Grip Rows: 3 sets (10 reps each)
10. Bent over Wide Grip Rows: 3 sets (10 reps each)

Have Fun!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I hope you love push-ups

This one is for all of you mega meatheads out there. It has been almost a week since I have updated this so I want to make sure I am coming back with a strong workout for the group. This workout will go hand in hand with tomorrow's workout. Today we will be focusing on all things chest. You will be doing so many push-ups you may count to infinity. Ok, not that many, but you will be doing a lot. With every push-up you do, keep in mind the following: You are exercising your arms, chest, shoulders, back and core, and you burn 1 - 2 calories for each push-up! That does not even include the jacked up metabolism and recovery energy!

** Push the earth out of orbit **

1. Standard Push-ups: 3 sets (10 reps each)
2.Wide Grip Push-ups: 3 sets (10 reps each)
3. Diamond Push-ups: 3 sets (10 reps each)
4. Left arm forward Push-ups: 3 sets (10 reps each)
5. Right arm forward Push-ups: 3 sets (10 reps each)
6. Side Walking Push-ups: 3 sets (10 reps each)
7. Inside Grip Push-ups: 3 sets (10 reps each)
8. Left arm Wide Push-ups: 3 sets (10 reps each)
9. Right arm Wide Push-ups: 3 sets (10 reps each)
10. Standard Push-ups: 3 sets (each till failure)

Have Fun!