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Friday, March 7, 2014

Boot... Crusher

Sorry for the spotty posts these past week guys... Even though I know you have all continue to kickass on your own and push it out every day. Today's workout will follow a typical bootcamp class. The purpose of this workout is to incorporate cardio and muscle building exercises to maximize your workout. Your muscles and body parts will get rests throughout the workout, but your heart will remain jacked up the entire time!

Perform the following stretches. Hold for 20 seconds on each leg for 3 sets.

1. Side lunges
2. Hip flexors
3. Groin

Perform the following circuit 4 times for the reps listed. Add the following in between each exercise within the circuit, in order after each full circuit (20 jumping jacks, 20 mountain climbers, 20 high knees)

4A. Push-ups – 10 reps
4B. Lunge with Kick – 10 reps each leg
4C. Dips – 20 reps
4D. Squats – 10 reps

*** So by the end you will do 20 jumping jacks, 20 mountain climbers, 20 high knees (all 3) between each exercise

Pyramid - 1,2,3,4,5,6,5,4,3,2,1 alternating

5A. Burpee
5B. Front kick (1 each leg)

Perform the circuit 3 times for the reps listed

6A. Catapillar push-ups (walk yourself out, then back in) - 10
6B. 4 point stance kick backs – 10 each leg
6C. 4 point stance side kicks – 10 each leg

7A. Chair steps ups – 10 each leg
7B. 1 legged squats – 10 each leg
7C. Sit down and stand up - 10

Have Fun!